Female Magazine : Detachable Heels

Female Magazine : Detachable Heels

Nope! You don’t have to go around walking barefooted anymore when your legs start aching. All you need is a pair of heels from Mestrae and you’re sorted! 

Mestrae Interchangeable Heels

Heels are a must-have for almost every girl. While it makes your legs look amazingly sexy, it somehow also has the ability to boost your confidence when you’re wearing your favourite pair of heels. But if you’re not used to wearing ’em, it can be quite a painful experience, especially when you start suffering from blisters, backache and leg pain. Here’s some good news: Mestrae recently introduced its new range of flats that can be converted into heels!


Read More from Female Magazine Here 


Link : http://femalemag.com.my/fashion/detachable-heels/